Another World Storyboard part 5

Hannah comes back home from purchasing some doughnuts and thinks that she has caught Paulina and Jake in another fight.

However, Jake and Paulina were actually discussing some negative newspaper reports on Jake. Hannah consoles Jake, saying that she understands his situation. Everything Jake has done has backfired in his face, and he feels like he just doesn't fit in. Hannah understands, she has felt that way too.

With this new level of understanding Jake becomes interested in what Hannah is doing with her life. Hannah reports that she is not doing that well at school, but this is because she has never had what it takes to succeed. Jake offers to purchase Hannah whatever she needs to succeed. Jake asks Hannah what she wants. "What about a calculator ?"

Hannah replies "How about a car !!!"

Jake asks Hannah why she needs a car. Hannah replies that she needs it for Drivers Ed. Jake is startled that Hannah still hasn't passed Drivers Ed. Hannah explains that she never had the opportunity to practice. Jake offers to allow Hannah to use his car under his supervision.

Hannah asks Jake for a lift to the Motor Vehical Department to renew her drivers permit which has expired. Hannah hands over a completed application form to Jake. Jake is startled to discover that it is actually Hannahs birthday today. Paulina is guilt ridden to have totally forgotten about her birthday. Jake agrees to help get Hannahs drivers permit whilst Paulina sets up a surprise party for Hannah.

Jake teaches Hannah how to drive.

"Hands at the 2 and 10 position"
"Look in the rear and side mirrors"
"Press gently on the gas pedal"

"Hannahhhh ............"

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