Starfleet Ball
Convention Report

Dennis Hardman

I decided to commute for the three days instead of the hotel. Took 1.5 hrs each way and it meant I couldn't stay too late or drink :-(.

I got there early Friday afternoon, registration opened at 1400hrs but the convention started proper in the evening with a Luau (I changed in the car). I was rewarded for being early by seeing Jennifer arrive with a woman who I guessed was Toni Benson. They had been shopping and went straight upstairs. Jennifer was wearing a leather jacket, jeans I think and a brown wide brimmed hat. It had a wide leopard skin type band around it.

Later she was in a room near the bar with other guests and I heard someone call the woman Delores so I knew who she was then. Always in the bar and the life and soul of the Convention was Michael Sheard "Admiral Ozzel in "Star Wars, The Empire Strikes Back" and "Grange Hill" amongst other things.

That evening I was at the Luau, decided to go for a walk outside for ten minutes. When I came back I was standing at the back and I noticed standing next to me was Jennifer, her Mum and some stewards. Anyway nothing ventured, nothing gained I asked her if I could take her photo, she whispered something, I said sorry! (BTW it was noisy with music) I looked at her Mum who was smiling and the stewards who were heading for me. I asked again and she said yes that's fine. I took it and thanked her.

The next day was the first Q & A session. Jennifer came on, again wearing a hat. Said some words about the Cancer charity the con was supporting and asked for Questions on Star Trek. We had to walk around to a podium and ask a question. I was the first there, and I asked your question:

"There are a number of Internet Sites which are dedicated to Kes/Jennifer Lien do you have a problem with this"

She was I think a little taken aback, but she said more or less that the internet is free for people to do what they want and it does not bother her one way or the other. (I did speak to Delores at the back of the hall during the Q&A and she did say that Jennifer has never got onto the internet and does not know much about it. She said that she (Delores) was going to go online and when I told her about the Voyager newsgroup she said she would look in on that.

Jennifer confirmed Fury was the new ep but couldn't talk about it.

During the Q & A, Jennifer auctioned one of her hats for the cancer charity, got £50 I think.

That evening (Saturday) was the Star Fleet Ball a time traveller theme Ball. People either came as someone from the past real or fictitious TV or in Star Trek gear. I wore a suit (sheesh what a spoilsport). It was quite good, I was on a great table with a semi drunk Welsh Obi One Kenobi his Welsh wife, couldn't work out what she was supposed to be. A couple of star fleet officers, a Klingon (very good) and his girl, not in costume and two others also not in costume. We had a hoot, Michael Sheard came across a couple of times to join in. Somehow one seat had a name which was a combination of the two others who were not in costume, obviously a mistake. Every time the waiter came we told him that he was at the bar or the loo. One time he asked his name, one said Jim, another said Bob, I said Jimbob. He was happy and put another course down, which of course we shared out. He kept popping his head around the door to see if he had returned. We all stood up then shouting and waving that JimBob had gone back to the loo. Everyone was watching our antics including Jens table. At the end we left a big tip for the waiter.

After the meal all those in costume paraded on the dance floor and were judged by the celebrity guests. After that was cabaret by Hattie Hayridge (Holly in Red Dwarf).

It was then 2345hrs and I had a long drive home, I also had to be up early Sunday to take my daughter to Heathrow (Singapore & Oz) turn around and back to Bournemouth.

I was leaving when I saw Jennifer heading to the staircase through the crowd. I stopped her, introduced myself then asked her if she remembered about 2 years ago receiving a rather large Birthday card. She said Yes was that you? I showed her the photo's and said it was sent by me on behalf of KISS. She smiled thanked me and shook my hand. She said it was very good and was appreciated. She then said good night and shot off.

The next Q&E session was in fact more of the same, she didn't wear a hat this time. Her hair was tightly held down. The format was the same, only Alice Krige remained on the front row. Michael Sheard as usual with pint glass in hand walking around geeing people up.

I was asking questions, about her trombone, cannot really play it well. Kes's long hair was also a wig. She hadn't done special voiced training. I told her she was noted for her rich sexy voice. She appeared pleased. At least she knew when I got to the mike I was giving her complimentary questions. She enjoys doing voice work when ever possible.

"Rubberknecking" is a public service film, she only has a few words. "Gates of Wrath" is a special experimental film or something for some director and she does not know if it will ever be released.

She auctioned off a silk type scarf for the cancer charity and got £70.

I went in the autograph queue on the Sunday (you were given a ticket on the Friday with the day Sat or Sun in which you could Q) took ages I kept trying to keep to the end of the Q to give me a little more time with her, but people kept on arriving behind me.

When I got to Richard Arnold who was just to the left of Delores, Jennifer and lastly Alice Krige. I produced three of the newsletters

[Note: This was a demo fan club newsletter that was produced by Sai Wong]

and asked him to sign two. He asked if the third was for him, I said sorry thats for Jennifer. He quickly flicked through and said it looked good. I then gave them to Jen and Delores. Jen looked at one and Delores and Richard the other. I then said would you please accept a copy. She said Oh yes Thanks she looked really pleased and surprised. Delores said a couple of times I haven't seen these before have you?(I suppose to both of them). Jennifer said no or shook her head. I said you wouldn't have, it was written by Sai of the Kes Internet Support Society. I said there was an article by me in there (beaming) I remember Jennifer giggling and saying oh look at the picture of her in SLC Punk. I said that it was out of date now, Toni Benson was approached about it but said no she didn't want it. She said that it was so nice of you both to do it (Sorry but I was beaming and said something like it was *our* pleasure) Richard put their copy into Delores bag. I asked if KISS were to send Jennifer another card would it be to the same address as the last time. Delores said yes everything must go through Third Hill. She then said "It was you who sent the big Birthday Card? In a way that sounded like Jennifer had mentioned the day before that the person who had sent the card was there. When I floated down to the ground I said yes. She thanked me and said that it was a really nice gesture or something like that.

The really great thing seeing this stuff must have really bucked her up, knowing that people really appreciated her. They must have recognised me, I had spoken to them both previously and had asked Jennifer a number of questions at the Q & A.

By this time I was holding up the Q because I had bypassed a number of people who were getting autographs of the other guests so I had to float on :-))))