Trek Expo
Convention Report

Sabrina F.

Jenn was AWESOME!!!!!

She is as slender as when she was Kes, and she looked great, bright and vivacious. She could have stepped right there into a Kes outfit and it would have been perfect. She is very beautiful, she sounded very smart, and she was funny and interesting during the question/answer session.

I saw her all three days. Friday was a photo op - she looked very pretty and her smile just lit up the whole place.

After the photo op she was onstage and answered people's questions.

The question I asked was,
"Given that you have a remarkable and beautiful voice, are you planning on doing any new projects soon?"

She responded that right now she was pretty busy with her son and that she was concentrating on that. She says she likes doing home stuff - "straightening the dishes, vacuuming, making sure all the shots are up-to-date, etc." was cute.

Someone asked her about her departure from Voyager?
A - She responded by saying that she liked the way it was done. She was satisfied and happy with it and thought they did a very good job the way they brought Kes' story to a close.

Someone asked what it was like working with Ethan Phillips?
A- She said she enjoyed working with him a great deal, that he was a very nice person and a great actor.

Another Q - What was your favorite Voy episode?
A- She said she really didn't have a favorite ep. She liked all of them. She felt that pretty much every episode had it's merits and since they were all different, it's difficult to name just one, since there were so many great ones.

Another Q - Did the other guys on the set, for instance Ethan and Robert Picardo, play practical jokes?
A- She laughed and said every one played practical jokes, pretty much all the time. She said that some of the jokes she didn't understand, because of her young age. She said that they had a lot of fun on the set.

Another Q - Did she know who the other auditionees for the part of Kes were?
A- No. She said that when she tries for a part, she concentrates on what she's doing and doesn't worry about the other auditionees for the part. She said that it wouldn't be very productive to be concerned about who else is auditioning and what they're doing. She just does the best that she can.

Another Q - About 'Battle Force Andromeda'; did she know what's happening with that show, whether it will be aired?
A - She said that she wasn't sure if anything was being done with that, that it had gone to her manager and she wasn't sure of the show's status.

Another Q - How did you start in the acting business?
A- Her first role was on a bubble gum commercial, playing 2 totally different characters, like opposites. Then she got a guest role on "Brewster Place" on t.v., but that her part was cut. She said she started doing plays in school, and that a couple of her teachers encouraged her to pursue acting. She then got a part on "Another World", as Hannah Moore, then a part on "Phenom", and that "Phenom" lasted one season.

Another Q - Did you enjoy your experience on Voyager?
A - She said absolutely. She REALLY enjoyed working on Voyager and had a lot of great memories.

That's just a rough synopsis of what I remember. Her answers of course were lengthier and more complete than what I've written. She spoke very well and came across very well I think. I thought her q/a session was VERY interesting and entertaining, for two reasons. One, what she said was quite interesting, and two, her voice and the way she spoke were very pleasing to hear. Her amazing voice was on full force, so it was great hearing her. She also greeted the crowd at the beginning with a great big wave and a big smile, the "Kes" smile. It was very cute. She answered everybody's questions very patiently, and I liked particularly the fact that she really thought about her answers. She didn't just blurt out some pat answer.

At the end she thanked everybody for coming, and then with her there they auctioned a Voyager poster she had brought, to benefit the World Wildlife Fund, which I thought was very cool. Guess who won the auction? YOURS TRULY! HeeHee. It was a beautiful poster, a Voyager original studio poster, signed by all the stars, with a big picture of Janeway and the ship and all the cast underneath Janeway's picture. After that she signed autographs. She was very friendly and nice, and it was great to see her up close.

Let's see - Saturday - She did another photo op, then an autograph signing. Saturday she wore a BBEAUTIFUL, GORGEOUS, ENCHANTING pastel flower print dress, a really stunning dress. She was very beautiful, and it was worth it just to see her. She was stunning, and when she smiled, well, it was like the sun shining. Saturday night, they held the "Supper With The Stars," at 8:00 p.m......there were lots of people. We all ate, they played some music and did some jokes and stuff, then some of the stars danced, Jenn too. After that, Jenn walked slowly down every single aisle between tables, which I thought was VERY COOL, cause it showed she really cared about her fans and wanted to be available to them. Lots of people asked her for a picture, and EVERY TIME they did ask her, she stopped and was very patient while they took a picture. It was a beautiful night. Jenn REALLY did a great job mingling and chatting with the fans all around. People were delighted that she made a full circuit of the room, slowly strolling down the aisles so that everyone could see her and chat with her. She was VERY agreeable and in a great mood, and when she passed me, my heart melted. I was stunned. She wore a beautiful outfit, with a black hat. She has great style, but she's very approachable and you could tell she really wanted to please her fans. I thought it was awesome, to be able to see her up close and chat with her.

Sunday - She did another photo op - she looked great. She wore a cool burgundy-colored hat, a cool black jacket, and a bright silver sweater. Anyway, that's about it. It was an AWESOME, INCREDIBLE, WONDERFUL time, and I REALLY appreciated the fact that Jenn made herself available all three days and ESPECIALLY at the dinner. She is very glamorous and MUCH more beautiful than I imagined she'd be. She looked just like Kes. It was GREAT!!!!!!!!!! FAR better than I imagined it'd be. Sabrina.