Sunset Normandie
(Sept 23 - Oct 16)
review by
Lorianne Taylor

I went to see the play. It was not written by her and a friend. It was actually written by Joe Santos, an amazing character actor who's resume you can check out on the movie database. It was an excellent play, but very deep and difficult to understand at one sitting.

This past weekend was the last weekend for now, but she may be doing another play with him shortly.

It was a series of four vignettes and it was a refreshing look at men and women and our difficulties relating.

Robia was in the second vignette and she was amazing. She told me that this play has really caused her to grow as an actress, and I could see it. I've always thought she was good but now she's downright brilliant.

Ironically, most of the men in the play were not that good but all of the women shined and Joe Santos does an excellent job of acting in his own writing.

The set was amazing. When you enter, the seats are made up of various, mismatched sofas decorated with beautiful brocades and velvet. You find that you have entered the Sunset Normandie, a hotel. We become voyeurs rather than an audience as each vignette is acted out in front of us as though these people just happened to be having their conflicts in the middle of a hotel waiting room.

The actors were all mixed within the audience and you never knew if you were sitting next to one until they got up and began participating in their particular vignette.

There was beautiful music and when the play is over, you feel as though you've been on a journey.

I enjoyed it thoroughly and I hope this is not the only time it's put up. It would do wonderfully on Off Broadway.

I know Robia had an excellent time doing the play. It was hard work and very satisfying. She also got show some of her dance moves off and she truly is beauty and grace when she moves.

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