Another World Storyboard part 7

The relationship between Paulina and Jake comes under strain.

Hannah comes to Jake and says that she does not like what is happening in this household. If people love eachother why do they always end up hurting eachother. Love should be all that matters.

Jakes replies that this is not reality.

Hannah thinks that Jake and Paulina are fighting because of her.

Jake says that this is not true. Jake has got use to her, and comments that she is good company and now part of the family.

Hannah replies that if she was not there, Jake and Paulina might be able to solve whatever is ruining their relationship.

Jake comments that it would be so easy to blame everything on Hannah but the fact is, it has nothing to do with her. Hannah thinks that her presence has made things worse, but Jake thinks the absolute opposite. If it was not for Hannah he and Paulina would have torn eachother limb from limb.

Jake :
The truth is that people who are in love might not live up to eachothers expectations.
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