Another World Storyboard part 8

The school contacts Paulina informing her that Hannah has been skipping classes.

Jake and Paulina question Hannah about her absence from school.

Hannah replies that she is dropping out of school.

Hannah tells them that she hasn't been skipping school but been attending a different type of school. She had accompanied Lilly to take her college qualifying examiation and decided to take it as well. It was a kinda-like and applitude test and Hannah passed !

Hannah wants to attend college. Jake reminds her that she didn't finish High School and now wants to attend college.

Hannah explains that she was comfortable around the other college kids. At High school she didn't fit in because she was much older than everyone else. If she took a special work study equivlency exam she would be able to attend college in the next semester.

Jake: Any strings attached ?

Hannah replies that there might be ...just one tiny string. The college is up state in Belmont.

Hannah thanks Paulina and Jake for letting her stay at their home. She came here to look for what she had missed out as a child staying at Marsha's. However, that wasn't what she wanted because she is all grown up now. What's gone is gone.

Hannah tells them that now her future is at college.


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